Adding qualifying questions to your booking form

When creating a new service you can add qualifying questions like “What’s your price range?” or “Do you have a budget in mind?” or “What would you like to discuss.” #

1. Check Enable Questions #

Check Enable Questions

2. Enter whatever qualifying question you like. Questions can be required or optional. #

Here I’ve added “What would you like to discuss?”

Enter whatever qualifying question you like. Questions can be required or optional.

3. You can add more than one question. #

Click on “Add Question”

You can add more than one question.

4. Here’s my second question. #

“Are you a CLOSEM Apps user?”

Here's my second question.

5. Click on “Add Question” #

Adding a third question.

6. Adding a third question. #

“What’s your budget?”

Adding a third question.

7. Making this question optional #

Uncheck the box “required”

Making this question optional/

8. Click on Save Changes #

Click on Save Changes

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